EARLY SPRING, 5/4 - 23/4 2019, Odense, DK
Duo exhibition in collaboration with Kah Bee Chow.
I väntan på doktorn / Waiting for the doctor (2019) färgpenna på papper, 29,7x21cm, Moa Alskog
Utan titel (2019) Kah Bee Chow
Kronans skugga / The shadow of the crown (2019) färgpenna på papper 29,7x21cm, Moa Alskog
Gravid Maja / Pregnant Maja (2019), färgpenna på papper, 29,7x21cm, Moa Alskog
Underjord / Underground (2019), färgpenna på papper, 29,7x21 cm, Moa Alskog
Svart sol / Black sun, (2019), färgpenna på papper, 29,7x21, Moa Alskog
Moa Alskog and Kah Bee Chow meet over a shared interest in trees, leaves, reptiles, amphibians and the human gaze in the duo exhibition Early Spring.
Moa Alskog will present a series of drawings that takes its starting point in the frog’s symbolic transformation – from being connected to life, fertility and birth in ancient Egypt, the frog became the devil’s henchman in the middle ages. The project is part of a long-term investigation into primarily western mythologies and history, through which she tries to get a better understanding of how the modern human’s relation to ‘nature’ has been shaped.
Moa Alskog graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2016. She uses text, drawing, textile and video to make stories that investigates relations, language and the gaze.
Kah Bee Chow will present prints and experiments developed in a makeshift darkroom she built during her stay in Marseille in the fall of 2018. They came from a desire to work responsively to the environment and temperament of the city; incorporating plants, discarded rubbish and found material from her daily walks.
Kah Bee Chow is based in Malmö Sweden. She usually works with forms of enclosures in relation to animals and the human body, with close attention to particularities of space and site. Her work with sculpture, video and text often links disparate events and references as generative threads, imagining narratives and taxonomies through movement and flows, etymologies and architecture.