Image collection - the Great Mother
Image research, archetypes..
Cartoon for Saint Anne, ca 1500, Leonardo Da Vinci, National Gallery London
Virgin and Child with St Anne, Leonardo da Vinci
Kyllie Jenner & Stormi 2019
Gul Madonna, 1970, Lena Cronqvist
Dieric Bouts Workshoo, 1454, Statens Museum for Kunst
The Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels, 1346 - 1379, Andrea Da Fierenze, Jacobo Di Cione
Kylie Jenner & Stormi 2019
Venus of Willendorf, c. 28,000 BCE – 25,000 BCE
Kim Kardashian, break the internet, Peoples Magazine, 2014
St. John the Evangelist and St. Margaret of Antioch. 1490 - 1500, Altar Piece, Munich: Gall., Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen; Alte Pinakothek.
Isis nursing Horus, 664-30B.C, Metropolitan Art Museum