Image collection - ADAM & EVE, EVE & ADAM, EVE & EVE, ADAM & ADAM Fattal Simone, Adam & Eve, bronze, 73x22x40 cm, 2019 Gaugain Paul, Adam & Eve, oil on canvas, 1902, Ordrupgaard Museum Ekman Marie-Louise, I couldn’d find the whole image on net. nor the titel. I will update it on later occasion. Chagall Marc, Adam & Eve, 1900 ish, Ekman Marie-Louise, Kyssen, Färgserigrafi, 58 x 84,5 cm, 1976 Blake William, Satan Watching the Caresses of Adam and Eve, watercolor on paper, 50.5x38cm, 1805 Blake William, The Angel of the Divine Precense Clothing Adam and Eve, pencil and watercolor, 1803 Ongoing collection, tips of artworks are very welcome:) Cranach the Elder Lucas, Adam & Eve, Oil on Panel, 172x124cm, 1528 Thorhauge Ida, Unity, oil on canvas, ca 2x1.5m, 2022 Vase representing a couple, North of Mexico, terracotta, 1200-1450 ad, Art & History Museum Brussels Diane Arbus, A Husband and Wife in the woods at a nudist camp. N.J, 1963, Metropolitan Museum of Art From Chronicle of Guaman Poma, ca 1616, Det Kongelige Bibilotek Moa AlskogJune 12, 2022Gaugain, Marie-Louise Ekman, Simone Fattal, William Blake, Cranach the Elder Lucas, Ida Thorhauge, terracotta, couple, Eve & Adam 0 Likes