Image collection - the cross, the weave, the code
Ongoing research for my cabbage-pixel-paintings and animation.
Book cover with blue and yellow cross patterns 19th century, Met Collection
Draughtsman Making Perspective Drawing, 1600, Albrecht Durer
Sandra Vaka Olsen, Dive, Sunscreen project, 2015, photo source
Sheila Hicks, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 1974, scanned image from the book Textiles - Open Letter, Generali Foundation
“At tro at man kan følge sin slægt tilbage som en linje, er vanvid!
Følger man den, breder den sig ud ud ud, som et netværk.
Længere tilbage snævrer den sig ind igen, slægterne bliver mindre.
Livet er kun opstået en gang på planeten.
Alt levende er forbundet.”
Fra Amalie Smith’s Thread Ripper p.52
What did Mirca Eliade think?
Gitte Maria Møller
Detail from “Moving Blue Sky”, Shown at IMO projects, photo source
Mark Ferrari, 8 bit art, pic from his homepage
“Ellen Harlizius-Klück has always done textile work, and presented her textile art in an exhibition in Munich during the course of the project. In her dissertation (Harlizius-Klück 2004), she explored an ancient arithmetic called dyadic that distinguishes numbers as either odd or even, and fed into the earliest forms of logic and mathematical proofs handed down to us in Euclid’s famous book Elements. Her thesis was that this idea came from weaving, where every construction of fitting patterns needs a consideration of the number properties of the included amount of warp or weft threads. Later, Ellen was looking for a simulation of pattern weaving that includes changes on the spot and the complex combinations of weaves that are typical for ancient weaving.”
Maya weaving the circle og time. Not entierly sure where i found this image.
A dream. He said “there is only one evolution”. We had just made out, he was an old date, that did genetic research. I was trying to graps the Taoist notion of the Makrokosmos and what Jung talks about when he tries to explain how astrology function, that time is energy. If there is only one evolution and everything is connected each moment becomes holy in a way. Because if you change one thing, even the smallest one, you can start an avalanche, that you in no way could forsee. Like in the weave? Something which have happened time after time when we have fx. moved a species from one place to another, trying to solve one problem and at the same time causing another one.